Banner image  of Gabreil Deal and Carla Schauble early am at Thunder Lake camp.
Profile pic is myself on Ruth Mountain 2002. taken By Dan Arnoldy

This site is a collection of Trip reports and images of my climbs/scrambles, hikes, partners and travels. I only have images and documentation from the past 4 yrs or so. That’s when I started to write trip reports and shooting images. I enjoy taking images but have not really learned the camera mechanics. Instead of focusing on that I focus on the art, lighting and mood of what I am doing and seeing at the moment. Point the camera and shoot! I have one image that will be published in a book soon. Two images made in into the calender.
All Images are mine unless noted. On Sloan Mark took the pics as I dropped my camera in the river crossing. DOH! I may add a few from my partners. 
For me it is all about the fun I have out there and sharing my passion it with others.
"climbing a small mounatin is still climbing a mountain."
I just started this site and have tons more to add...check back later for more reports and pics.

Attention! I have called the police and a lawyer. My images are copywrited and you have stolen them. See ya in court.

Most recent trip:  Memorial day weeked2009 Dragontail peak and Enchantments.
On the left is a video of the recent trip to The Enchantments and Dragontail.  I video taped my partners getting their ski on. Below is a shot of Will skiing down


Below is a live feed from my flikr site and will change every time i upload images.

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